Liposuction is a surgical technique that improves the body’s contour by removing excess fatty deposits located between the skin and muscle. This is achieved by inserting a thin stainless steel tube, connected to suction, through tiny skin incisions.
Dr. Franco-Webb frequently combines VASER liposuction, or LipoSelection, with her Tummy Tuck procedures for contouring of the lower flanks, or “muffin top” areas that are difficult to shrink with diet and exercise. She also uses VASER liposuction for contouring of the thighs, buttocks and abdomen.
For smaller areas, such as “arm pit” fat, Dr. Franco-Webb uses the traditional tumescent liposuction for removing this troublesome fat. An improved breast contour is obtained when combined with a breast procedure such as breast reduction, breast lift, breast revision and even with breast augmentation.
The Science Behind the Art
VASERlipo® can produce impressive results by treating areas of fat with ultrasound energy, then gently removing the fat through a small tube inserted under the skin. This minimally invasive process is designed to be gentle on the body and highly effective, giving patients the smooth contours they want with less tissue injury than traditional liposuction procedures.
Understanding VASERlipo
VASERlipo uses a minimally invasive liposuction technique that selectively breaks apart and gently removes unwanted fat.
- The targeted area is injected with a special saline solution (tumescent fluid) to numb the area and shrink local blood vessels. It also temporarily expands the volume of the target area, making fat cells easier to remove.
- Small probes are then inserted into the body through small incisions. These probes resonate at a high ultrasound frequency, shaking fat cells loose while leaving surrounding tissues intact.
- The loose fat cells mix with the tumescent fluid, and are then removed from the body using special cannulas which help preserve the tissue matrix.
- After surgery, Dr. Franco-Webb has her patients wear compression garments for a few weeks to promote maximum skin retraction and smooth results. She may also recommend massage therapy, available at her clinic, to enhance results and speed recovery.
Visualizing VASERlipo
![]() InfiltrationThe fatty layer is injected with tumescent fluid. |
![]() Ultrasound DeliveryVASERlipo ultrasound probes cause the fat cells to shake apart and combine with the tumescent fluid. |
![]() AspirationLoose fat is easily removed via specially designed suction tubes. |
![]() Skin RetractionDuring the healing process, skin will retract to give smooth, natural-looking results. |
The Consultation
During your consultation, Dr. Franco-Webb will obtain from you a medical and surgical history. She will ask you about your weight history, exercise and diet habits, and listen to your goals. During your examination, she will evaluate your fatty deposits and skin tone. She will explain to you what can reasonably be expected from VASER liposuction. She will show you where the tiny skin incisions will be placed.
The Surgery
Your surgery will be performed at InSight (formerly Renewal) Surgery Center where we have state of the art VASER LipoSelection technology. Before surgery, you will have intravenous fluid and antibiotics started by one of our nurses. You will meet with one of our Board Certified Anesthesiologist Physicians and discuss the anesthesia technique.
Dr. Franco-Webb will meet with you and review your goals and plan for surgery. She will mark the various areas and incision sites for surgery. You will be taken back to the operating room and undergo general anesthesia. The areas on your body to be contoured will be prepped and draped sterilely.
Tiny incisions are made in the skin. Tumescent fluid, a saline (salt water) solution mixed with anesthetics, is infiltrated into the areas to be suctioned using a thin metal tube. Protective rubber ports are inserted into the tiny skin openings and sutured (stitched) down to protect the skin. The VASER ultrasonic probe, or tube, is inserted through the port and into the fatty tissue, gently breaking the fat cells down. The ultrasonic vibration gently loosens the fat cells and emulsifies the tumescent fluid that has been infused into the space. Then a small cannula, or metal tube, is used to remove the liquid and the fat cells with suction.

Before and after photos of VASER liposuction of the upper and lower flanks combined with an abdominoplasty.
Once Dr. Franco-Webb has achieved a pleasing contour in all of the planned areas, the patient is awaken from anesthesia and taken to the Recovery Room. Depending on the area, some of these liposuction sites are left open to drain, as in the thighs, or they may be covered with gauze and an occlusive dressings, as with the flanks. A compression garment is placed on the patient.
The Recovery Phase
Recovery from liposuction using the VASER is generally less painful and quicker than traditional methods. Dr. Franco-Webb will go over your individualized recovery in detail. Depending on how extensive your liposuction procedure was, you may return to work and activities of daily living within a few days for small areas of liposuction, or you may have a more prolonged recovery for the more extensive liposuction procedures.