DRAINLESS Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)
A full tummy tuck, also known as an abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure that reduces and reshapes the abdomen. This is achieved by removing excess skin and fatty tissue in the lower abdomen, by tightening and realigning the central abdominal muscles and by repositioning the belly button.
A tummy tuck is a procedure that can instantly and dramatically improve and slenderize a woman’s figure, creating a flatter and firmer abdomen along with a slimmer waistline. A tummy tuck is oftentimes performed in conjunction with liposuction of the flanks or “muffin tops,” located just above the buttock region. This additional procedure completely contours a women’s trunk.
A mini tummy tuck procedure is ideal for women with limited excess skin and fatty tissue along with abdominal wall weakness and bulging of the lower abdomen only. This procedure is similar to a full tummy tuck. However, it only involves the lower half of the abdomen and there is no repositioning of the belly button. The surgical incision is not much longer than a C-Section scar, and the recovery period is shortened.
The majority of women interested in an abdominoplasty procedure are those who have had children and/or who have experienced notable weight gain or loss. These women have excess and stretched out sagging skin, excess fatty deposits that are difficult to get rid of, and an abdominal bulge that will not reduce in size no matter how dedicated they are to doing repetitive abdominal exercises.
The Consultation
During your complimentary consultation with Dr. Franco-Webb, she will review your medical and surgical history. She will discuss your overall goals with you. She will examine you and check for a Rectus Diastasis, which is a separation between the two central abdominal muscles. During a tummy tuck procedure, these muscles are realigned with sutures.
The realignment of the two central abdominal muscles significantly flattens and firms the abdomen, similar to what a corset would do, but permanently. She will also examine you for any hernias, particularly an umbilical hernia. If you have an umbilical hernia, she will repair it at the time of the procedure. She will note any prior surgical scars that you might have.
After your consultation, you will receive a price quote for the procedure as well as information about the process of scheduling surgery.
The estimated cost for an Full Tummy Tuck without Liposuction ranges from $10,000 – $13,000.
The cost for a Full Tummy Tuck with Liposuction will depend on the areas and the length of the procedure.
This cost includes:
- Surgeon’s Fee
- Anesthesia Fee
- Surgical Facility Fee
- Two Post-Surgery Girdles
- All Clinic Visits
The Pre Surgical Appointment
Approximately two weeks prior to your surgery, you will again meet with Dr. Franco-Webb. You will receive your prescriptions and thorough instructions for before and after surgery. Your pre surgical photos will be taken. You will review the surgical procedure and your desired outcome with Dr. Franco-Webb. All of your questions will be answered.
InSight Surgery Center
Dr. Franco-Webb performs all of her surgical procedures at InSight (formerly Renewal) Surgery Center. InSight is an outpatient surgery center, fully accredited by the Association of Ambulatory Care Facilities. InSight’s nursing staff will contact you a couple of days prior to your procedure to review your medical history, give you instructions for before your surgery, and to answer your questions.
On the day of your surgery, you will arrive at the surgery center 1-1/2 hours prior to your surgery time, having refrained from eating or drinking since midnight. One of our nurses will check you in and place an IV for medications. You will meet with one of our Board Certified Anesthesiologist Physicians who will review your medical history, explain the anesthesia process and risks, and answer all of your questions. Dr. Franco-Webb will review the plans for your procedure. With you standing upright, she will mark your incision lines for surgery.
The Procedure
You will be taken back to the operating room and placed on an operating bed in the supine position (laying on your back). Your anesthesiologist will proceed with general anesthesia.
Your abdomen (and flanks, or “muffin top” areas, if you are having liposuction in these areas) are then prepped and draped sterilely. An incision is made around the belly button and the belly button is dissected free from the surrounding tissues.
Next, an incision is made along the lower abdomen above the pubic region where Dr. Franco-Webb had marked you before surgery. The lower abdominal skin and fatty tissue is lifted off of the abdominal wall, exposing the abdominal muscles all the way up to the rib cage for a full tummy tuck procedure.
For a mini tummy tuck, there is no incision made around the belly button, and the lower abdominal skin and fatty tissue is lifted off of the abdominal wall only to the level of the belly button.
The central abdominal muscles are then re aligned with two rows of sutures. Dr. Franco-Webb then injects Exparel into the abdominal muscles. Exparel is a long acting numbing medication that will assist in minimizing your discomfort after surgery, along with pain medication and muscle relaxers.
The operating room bed is then flexed at your hips and knees and the excess abdominal skin and fatty tissue is marked out to be excised, checking for symmetry. The amount typically removed for a full tummy tuck includes all of the skin and fat from the belly button to the pubic region. After irrigating your abdomen with warm antibiotic solution and checking for any bleeding, Dr. Franco-Webb then closes the lower abdominal incision with three layers of dissolvable sutures. Before closing the lower abdominal incision, a series of Progressive Tension Sutures or “quilting sutures” are placed tacking the skin flap to the abdominal muscle wall, and the belly button is brought out through a new opening and sewn into place. These Progressive Tension Sutures collapses this space that has been creating, allowing for a Drainless Tummy Tuck procedure, faster healing and less pain.
Also, before completely closing the lateral incisions, the lower lateral flanks (“muffin tops”) are infiltrated with a tumescent solution. Liposuction of these areas is then performed to nicely contour these regions. You are then awakened from general anesthesia and taken to our recovery room.
The Recovery Room
In the recovery room, two of our nurses will monitor you. They will make sure that you are recovering comfortably from surgery. Your compression girdle is placed in the recovery room. Our patients are typically in the recovery room for one hour to 1-1/2 hours. During that time, your nurse will review with your caregiver the instructions that Dr. Franco-Webb had reviewed with you during your Pre Surgery Appointment.
At Home (1 to 4 days after surgery)
During your recovery, we want you to be as comfortable as possible. Please follow the instructions that Dr. Franco-Webb and her Staff reviewed with you. You will have a surgical girdle on. You will take your medications, including pain medication, a muscle relaxer, antibiotics and anti nausea medication. You will stay well hydrated and take stool softeners to prevent constipation from the narcotic pain medication. You will rest to aid with your healing.
For the first couple of days after surgery, you can sponge bathe only. After your first clinic visit, which is either 3 or 4 days after surgery, you can shower. You will continue to wear your surgical garment for 4 to 6 weeks after surgery.
First Post Surgery Visit (1 day after surgery)
During this visit, Dr. Franco-Webb will check to see that your abdominal incision is healing well. You will continue to wear your surgical garment. She will review your medications and your activity level with you. You will be able to take a shower.
Second Post Surgery Visit (8 days after surgery)
During this visit, Dr. Franco-Webb will check to see that your abdominal incision is healing well. You will continue to wear your surgical garment. She will review your medications and your activity level with you.
Third Post Surgery Visit (22 days after surgery)
During this visit, Dr. Franco-Webb will check to see that your abdominal is healed. She will advise you regarding scar treatments to provide you with the most optimal end result. You will continue to wear your surgical garment for a total of 4 to 6 weeks from the time of surgery. She will review your activity level with you.
One to Three Months Post Surgery Visits

Before and after photos of an abdominoplasty patient (side view). Notice buttock lift as a result of liposuction of her lower flanks (“muffin top”).
During these visits, Dr. Franco-Webb will check to see that your abdominal incisions are fading well. You can discontinue wearing your post surgical girdle 4 to 6 weeks after surgery. Post surgery photographs will be taken and you will be provided with before and after photos.
Six to Twelve Months Post Surgery Visits
During these visits, Dr. Franco-Webb will check to see that your abdominal incisions are fading well. It takes approximately one to two years before a scar is fully matured. Post surgery photographs will be taken and you will be provided with before and after photos.
Return to Work
Most women who undergo a tummy tuck and who have a sedentary job are able to return to work two to three weeks after surgery. Woman who have a more physical job usually return to work three to four weeks after surgery. Dr. Franco-Webb will discuss this with you. Also, be aware that for the first few weeks after surgery, your energy level will be down, so do factor this in when returning to work.
Return to Exercise
Three weeks after surgery, you can walk on a treadmill. Eight weeks after surgery, you can engage in more physical activity such as working out on an elliptical or jogging. Dr. Franco-Webb will thoroughly discuss and customize your return to exercise timeline with you. Once you have completely healed from your surgery, she would like to encourage a more active and energetic lifestyle!