Post Weight Loss (Bariatric) Body Contouring

Before and after photos of an abdominoplasty procedure (front view) on a bariatric weight loss patient. (Image 1)
First of all, congratulations on your weight loss! This accomplishment is something you should be proud of, knowing that it will contribute to your overall good health and well being.
After losing a significant amount of weight, there can be a substantial amount of excess skin and sagging that results. During your Complimentary Consultation with Dr. Franco-Webb, she will review your medical history, discuss your goals, describe in detail the procedures you are interested in, show you before and after photos of her patients, exam you, and discuss the recovery process.
When to Consider Plastic Surgery After Dramatic Weight Loss
- If you have experienced dramatic weight loss from bariatric surgery or diet and exercise.
- If you have sagging skin in areas such as your breasts, arms, abdomen, back and thighs.
- If your weight has stabilized following bariatric surgery or diet and exercise.
How Many Plastic Surgery Procedures Can Be Performed At The Same Time?

Before and after photos of an abdominoplasty procedure (side view) on a bariatric weight loss patient. (Image 2)
During your consultation with Dr. Franco-Webb, she will listen to your goals. There will probably be multiple areas that you are interested in having corrected. Typically, a patient’s abdomen and back are addressed first. Depending on the length of time for each procedure, more than one procedure can be performed at the same time (see Overview below).
If a patient has mostly skin sagging, excess fat and muscle laxity of her abdomen with some fatty tissue but mild skin looseness of her back, then it is recommended that she undergo an abdominoplasty (see Tummy Tucks) and liposuction of her flanks (see Images 1, 2, and 3). Also, do take notice that the sagging of the pubic region is always corrected by Dr. Franco-Webb, as evidenced by her before and after photos.
If a patient has a substantial amount of loose skin of her back, buttock and lateral thighs in addition to excess skin, fat, and muscle laxity of her abdomen, then Dr. Franco-Webb will probably recommend a Lower Body Lift procedure.

Before and after photos of an abdominoplasty procedure (bending over) on a bariatric weight loss patient. (Image 3)
Lower Body Lift
This procedure reshapes the abdomen, waist, hips, thighs and buttocks through an incision made around the circumference of the body.
- The procedure starts with the patient under general anesthesia and lying on her abdomen. Pre-marked incisions are made in the lower back above the buttocks. Excess skin and fat are removed from the back and the buttock and lateral hips and thighs are lifted (see Image 4).
- After completing the back procedure, the patient is repositioned on to her back. Dr. Franco-Webb then proceeds with Tummy Tuck procedure, connecting the incisions from the back to the lower abdomen (see Image 5).
- This procedure dramatically improves the patients profile (see Images 6 and 7).
Brachioplasty (Arm Lift)
A Brachioplasty, or Arm Lift, procedure reshapes the upper arms by removing excess skin and fatty tissue. The scar line is placed so that it is not visible from the front with arms at sides (see Image 8). It is also not visible from the back (see Image 9 and 10). An arm lift procedure provides a patient the ability to wear sleeves that now fit comfortably because of a slimmer upper arm (see Image 11 with scar line).
Breast Lift
With a major amount of weight loss, a woman’s breasts usually become significantly deflated with volume loss and sagging skin. A breast lift procedure (see Breast Lift) reshapes a woman’s breasts by removing excess skin and by repositioning the nipple-areolas up to a better position.

Before and after photos of a breast lift and tummy tuck procedure in this bariatric weight loss patient.
If the patient requests and/or needs more volume to achieve her desired results, a breast augmentation with a breast lift will be recommended by Dr. Franco-Webb.
Thigh Lift
An outer thigh lift is included with a Lower Body Lift (see Lower Body Lift section above). An inner thigh lift is performed by making incisions along the medial half of the groin creases extending to the medial half of the buttock creases. The loose skin and fat are lifted off of the upper inner thigh, stretched upward and the excess skin and fat are excised (cut off). Sometimes a V cut is made in the upper inner thighs to remove excess skin and fat from this area, thus decreasing the circumference of the upper thighs. The resulting incision line is placed along the upper inner thighs so that it is not visible from the front or from the back when standing.

Before and after photos of a breast lift and tummy tuck procedure in this bariatric weight loss patient.
If multiple procedures are requested, Dr. Franco-Webb will make her recommendations as to what order they should be accomplished. Sometimes more than one procedure can be performed in the same day, depending on the length of the combined procedures. If more than one surgery day is need, the days are generally spaced at least two to three months apart.
If the procedure is 6.5 hours or less, the patient can go home on the same day of the procedure. If the procedure is 7 hours or longer, the patient will be required to spend the night at our facility at an extra cost.
During this overnight stay, the patient will be monitored by a Registered Nurse and a Medical Assistant. Intravenous fluids, antibiotics and pain medication will be administered as well as all medical care for the patient. The patient will then be discharged in the morning.
Post Weight Loss Body Contouring is a life changing experience. Dr. Franco-Webb will help guide you through this process to meet your goals.